CUMC Stewardship Campaign 2022

May 2022

Dear CUMC family,

This last year has brought many challenges to our families, community and the world at large. One of the gifts of our church community has been the ways our worship teams have faithfully protected the health of our congregation while working tirelessly to provide meaningful worship services virtually and in-person. During the pandemic surge, I asked a public health physician how her church was bringing the ministry of music to their congregation. Although their church is larger than ours, they did not have the resources of our worship team to creatively and safely provide weekly virtual services.

Our church family is strong. We are grateful for those of you who are able to provide "the hands and feet of God” through the Care Team, Service and Outreach and volunteer with our children and youth. Many of us are inspired and comforted by Kathee Tyson’s daily email meditations. 

Pastor Lisa continues to lead our ministries and speak a relevant and inspiring word each Sunday.  Together, our pastoral team of Lisa, Chris, and Paul, provide pastoral care, teaching, and small group leadership among us.  The Spirit & Art Center which began as a Pastor’s Lisa’s craft class, now has a dedicated space providing weekly prayer, Bible study, and creative arts.

The church office and bookkeeping is managed by Stacey Fitting with both grace and skill.  Jennifer Lockhart keeps us connected and informed through weekly emails and management of our website.  She also coordinates the Children, Youth & Family Ministry Team which has been thrilled to start offering Sunday School again and also a weekly drop in center for our youth staffed by our own Caroline Hines.  As with many organizations, a large portion (approximately 65%) of our finances fund salaries. It is our staff that lay the foundation on which we build our church ministries.  

While we held our own financially for the first 12 months of the pandemic, this second year has been more of a struggle. We have lost income from Pumpkin Festival and from renting our building that totals to $30,000; yet our ministry needs have increased.  Livestreaming our worship services is critically important to our church family; but the equipment and staff time required is also significant.  While we are beyond excited to be bringing back Revival Church Camp and Sierra Service Project and have a robust number of dedicated volunteers; we really need a dedicated staff person that can lead our youth, children and family ministry.  Lisa and others tell of the stress many coastside teens and families are experiencing and we are asking for your gifts of prayer and monetary assistance to meet this need for funding a youth pastor. 

One of my favorite hymns asks:
“Whom shall I send? 
 Here I am, Lord. 
 I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord, if you lead me.
 I will hold your people in my heart.”

Please hold our church and community in your heart as you pray for discernment. 

There are many ways to pledge. A pledge can be changed at any time but providing that commitment now allows us to plan ahead.

Please note that we need your pledge by June 1st in order to plan next year’s budget.


Your Stewardship Committee:
Becky Riemer, Elaine Rotty, Penny O’Neal and Sharron E. Thompson