Sierra Service Project

Summer Service Trip 2024

Chiloquin Oregon, July 14-20

Mark your calendars for SSP 2024. This summer we will head to Chiloquin in Southern Oregon, July 14-20. This trip is for High School only (entering 9th +). Young adults also welcome.

SSP is a faith-based service program for middle school and high schoolers. Each summer, teens from many different towns, churches and states gather together to serve. Sometimes the projects benefit local citizens (building wheelchair ramps or doing home improvements for those in need), some projects benefit the community (working at a local community center), and some benefit the environment (trail maintenance and park improvements). While a faith-based program, SSP is not a mission trip.. We serve because we believe Christ calls us to serve.

The SSP website has plenty of information about the program and the sites they serve. For information about CUMC’s participation or to register please contact Jennifer Lockhart or the church office.